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English Errors

We all know "The importance of exercise", getting enough protein, calories and the rest in order to build muscles. A. the importance of the exercise B. Importance of exercise C. The importance of exercising D. the value of exercising

The importance of exercising.

The possibilities of life and the realization that its a short journey "make me wants to see", do and make the best of the time i have in the world. A. Makes me want to see B. Make me wanted to see C. Made me wants to see D. Make me wanted see E. No correction requires.
Makes me want to see

India has some of the world’s finest "terrain for off-Road" in the himalayas, ladakh, Rajasthan and Gujarat. A. Terrains of the off-Roads B. Terrain of off-Road C. Terrains for off-roading D. Terrains off-roading E. No correction Required

Answer-(C) Terrains for off-roading.

The government "had ensured" that your documents are safe from hackers. A. Have ensured B. Has ensured C. has been ensured D. has been ensuring E. No correction Required

Has ensured.

When we discuss the financial advisory business, "We tend to be focused" on the Negatives. A. We tends to focus B. We have to focus C. We should focus D. We tend to focus E. No correction Required.
We tend to focus

The Actor filed FIR "Reported naming her maid" as the main accused.
A. Reportedly naming her maid
B. Reportedly naming of her maid
C. Reported name of her maid
D. Reportedly naming for her maid
E. No correction Required.

Reportedly naming her maid.

If ever the children "met to each other in the evening", they didn’t play. A. Meet each other in the evening B. Met each other in the evening C. meet to each other in the evening D. Met to each other in the evening E. No correction Required.
Met each other in the evening.

Mr. paul was surprised "on the strange" behaviour of the stranger. A. The strange B. in the strange C. at the strange D. at strange E. No correction Required.

I opened my eyes "to find out that in front of me" there was a table on which a coffin was placed. A. To find that in front of me B. To found that in front of me C. Find that in front of me D. To find in front of me E. No correction Required.
Answer-(A) To find that in front of me

If he "would had stolen money", he would have done wrong. A. Had stolen B. would steal C. is stoling D.stole D. No correction required.

1) The Reserve bank of India /2) lifted the ban upon imports /3) of gold coins and medallions by /4) banks and trading houses./ 5) no error.
Replace ‘ban upon’ with ‘ban on’

1) President Pranab Mukherjee inaugurated /2) Indian international trade /3) fair 2014 in Pragati maiden /4) in new Delhi /5) No error.
Answer-(3) at pragati maiden

1) Three Indian, two women and one man /2) were among the shortlisted 100 /3) applicants whom were chosen for /4) one-way trip to mars under one mission /5) No error.
Replace ‘whom’ with ‘who’

1) Fasting not only deoxifies the system but /2) gives also a person training /3) in endurance, a spirit of /4) acceptance and self control. /5) No error.

Also should come before gives

1) Our emission standards are /2) one-tenth that of global /3) average and far more /4) stringent than even Europe /5) No error.
No error

) The university has received /2) about 500 applicants for the /3) course, out of them 50 will be /4) shortlisted for the programme./5) No error.
Answer-(3) Replace ‘them’ with ‘which’

1) if all things go according to plan, /2) then we see our-self becoming a /3) publicly listed company /4) in two to three years. /5) No error.
Replace ‘our-self’ with ‘ourselves’

Nobody can gift the other inner peace /2) at the same time it is only ones’ /3) own thoughts that can /4) rob them of their inner peace. /5) No error.

Replace ones’ with one’s.

1) The cosy relationship between banks /2) and big companies can be /3) end only when there is real /4) competition in the sector. 5) No error.
Replace ‘end’ with ‘ended

1) How can e-governance /2) taken-off when the government’s /3) readiness to digitize its /4) document base is pathetic? /5) No error.

Replace ‘taken-off’ with ‘take of’

Though these programmes have (1)/ proved to be extremely (2) / effective they do have certain (3)/ drawbacks. (4) All correct (5)

there is no great virtue in delaying the (1)/ inevitable or being behind the (2)/ rest of the world-we should not (3)/ promote these as quintesentially Indian traits.(4)/ All correct.
D- the appropriate word should be “quintessentially’

The great ability to break down (1)/ extraordinary circumstances into ordinary (2)/everydayness was certainly (4)/ in evidance in great measure.(4)/ all correct (5)
D- the appropriate word should be ‘evidence‘

The trains ran on time,(1)/ something that was a mystfyingly (2)/ wonderful phenomenon and attendance (3)/ in government offices skyrocketed. (4)/ all correct 
  1. B – the appropriate word should be ‘mystifyingly.

Researchers from different (1)/ states and countries (2)/ keep coming to study (3)/ these manuscripts. (4) All correct (5)

A closer inspection confirmed (1)/ that it was indeed an ATM, (2)/ which staff assumed had been dumped (3)/ into the water a short distance on 
river. (4)/ All correct. (5)
D – the appropriate word should be ‘upriver.’

We plan to complete the exhaustive (1)/ performance (2)/ review (3)/ undertook by us (4)/ All correct. (5)
D – the appropriate word should be ‘undertaken.’

We have multiple identity (1)/ that come to the fore (2)/ depending on social and (3)/environmental cues (4)/ All correct. (5)
A – the appropriate word should be ‘identities.

This is how we should feel at (1)/ the end of any act of worship (2)/ we performed as we express our (3)/ faith in God and sincerity of purpose. (4)/ All correct. (5)
C– the appropriate word should be ‘perform.’

The implications are that build up (1)/ self-esteem is necessary to (2)/ break through barriers and development (3)/ policy needs to account for this. (4)/ All correct. (5)
A – the appropriate word should be ‘Building up.’
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