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    IT2 Chapter 10 Notes - Legal & Moral Issues

    Greetings, and welcome to Seeseenayy.
    These are the notes for IT Tech Legal & Moral Issues, which is a custom chapter for IT2.

    IT Tech Legal & Moral Issues
    Chapter 10, IT 2

    Computers and Privacy
    Privacy: Do not access files not related to the task at hand. Make sure you are aware of all legal issues during the course of work.
    Example: During the course of the work, you find illegal software, or you find illegal or immoral files? Perhaps you find terror related files/images? What do you do assuming you found this?
    Answer: You may need to report these depending on where the work is being performed, you will need to maintain a ‘Chain of Custody’ most of the time. If someone is doing something illegal with their computer and they are confronted/charged, the first thing that will most likely happen is that that the blame is placed on you, you can show where the computer was (when, where). Remember, finding something like this is only valid if you found it during your course of work. You’re at fault if you wander around and then find it.

    Part of this lines up with Integrity. Such as, you need to be consistent in what you’re doing. In addition to that, you must make sure everyone knows you’re consistent. Additionally, Copyrights come into play with this subject.

    ‘Finding Illegal Software’ ties in with the EUA (End User Agreement), meaning licensing for the most part. We must know three types:
    • Single User
    • Multi User
    • Site License

    Moral Ethics of Computers, Adapted from Somewhere
      Do not use a computer to harm the other people.
      Do not interfere with other people’s computer work.
      Do not snoop around other people's computer files.
      Do not use a computer to steal.
      Do not copy software illegally.
      Do not use other people's computer w/o authentication.
      Do not steal other people's intellectual output (property).
      Do think of consequences of group work / design actions.
      Obey all relevant laws and policies.

    Example Scenario: You find illegal files/images on a computer at someone’s house, it’s child porn. What do you do?
    Answer: You need to be cautious and smart about it. Don’t even acknowledge it exists, wait until you’re out of the house to report it.

    Computer Crime (Cybercrime)
    Intellectual / White Collar Crime
    Stealing Trade Secrets
    Hacking: Any computer related activity which is not sanctioned or approved of by an employer or owner of a system or network.

    Computer & Calculator
    Computers are self-directed, whereas calculators need to be directed.

    1949: Computers, ENIAC
    1946: Other Devices

    • 15,000 Sq Ft
    • 30 Tons
    • 19,000 Tubes

    Did one type operation that at the time would

    Univac: Magnetic Tape
    At 1952, they started using Card Input. Punchcard. Magnetic amplifier replaced vacuum tube.

    Timeline of History!
    1953: Worldwide, 100 Computers
    1957: 1st Dot Matrix Printer
    1956: 1st Generation Computers
    1959 -1964: 2nd Generation +
    1964 -1972: 3rd Generation +
    1972 - ... : 4th Generation +
    1967 - First floppy disk.
    1968 - Intel founded.
    1968 - Mouse introduced.
    1970 - 1st computer to have main memory made out of monolithic circuits.
    1971 - 1st microprocessor.
    1976 - Apple II Released
    1979 - First human was killed by a robot.
    1972 - Pong released. (Game)
    1972 - First scientific calculator produced.
    1975 - Microsoft Founded
    1980 - Pac-Man
    1981 - MS-DOS
    1983 - 1st personal computer; Lisa released.
    1984 - Macintosh was released.
    1985 - C++ Language invented.
    1986 - IBM PCs convertible. Laptop, basically. Mac Plus.
    1987 - Amiga 500
    1989 - WWW Invented
    1990 - Windows 3.0 Released
    1992 - “Windows NT Addresses 2GB of RAM, more than any application will ever need”
    1992 - Wolfenstein 3D Released
    1993 - DOOM Released
    1994 - “jpg” was developed.
    1995 - Windows 95 / Dot Com Boom; Linux released; Pentium 120 Mhz
    1996 - 1st Java Development Kit
    1997 - Wifi developed
    1998 - iMac G3
    1999 - 1st Macro Developed
    2000 - Windows 2000
    2001 - SATA 1.0 Introduced
    2003 - Skype released
    2004 - Blu Ray and Bluetooth
    2005 - YouTube and Google Maps
    2007 - iPhone
    2008 - Google released Android
    2009 - Bitcoin
    2011 - Seagate 4TB HDD
    2014 - Seagate 2TB HDD
    2016 - Fix State 13TB SSD

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