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IT2 Chapter 4 Notes - Troubleshooting

Greetings, and welcome to Seeseenayy.
These are the notes for Chapter 4 in IT2, troubleshooting.


Preventive Maintenance
  • Items that can be done to help prevent problems.
  • Some measures can be…
    • Clean inside case.
    • Inside case clutter. (airflow)
    • Working Hardware (checks)
    • Remove dust from intakes/PSU/other.
    • Clean peripherals.
Things to consider…
  • When/How Often/What:
    • Location/Environment
    • Computer Usage
When maintaining, do:
  • Hardware
    • Clean the dust from the fans and inside of case. (PSU Fans too)
    • Cables tight? (Cable management)
    • Clean peripherals.
    • Clean case, mouse, keyboard, and display.
  • Software
    • Update the OS.
    • Update the drivers.
    • Scan/defrag hard drives.
    • Remove unwanted/unused programs.
      • Scan system.
    • Update Antivirus/Spyware

Steps of Troubleshooting
  • 1. Identify the problem.
  1. Try to get customer/PC info.
  2. Ask open/close ended questions.
    1. Ask for any error messages or beeps.     
  • 2. Establish a Theory (What happened?):
  • List as many possible problems you can think of.
  • 3. Test Your Theories:
    • Eliminate the false.
  • Establish what it not causing the problem
  • 4. Establish a Plan of Action & Implement the solution.
    • What am I going to do? Do it!
  • 5. Verify System (Full) Functionality:
    • See if it’s fixed and make sure you didn’t create any new problems.
  • 6. Document:
    • Document what you’ve done, even if it didn’t work.

Before Troubleshooting

Before troubleshooting you should…
  • Backup Data
  • Verify Data Backup

Common Problems & Solutions
  1. Storage Devices
    1. Connectors
      1. Connectors; SATA, incorrect drive/media. PATA settings.

Motherboard & Internals
  1. What would cause problems w/ motherboard & internals?
    1. Cables unplugged, damaged, or incorrectly installed.
    2. Failed components.
    3. Incorrect drivers.
    4. Corrupt: Update/BIOS Flash

  1. Power Supply…?
    1. Bad wattage
    2. Faulty power supply
    3. Loose
    4. Voltage Selector

  1. CPU / Memory?
    1. Incorrect Install
    2. Faulty/Damage
    3. Inadequate Cooling
    4. BIOS Settings
    5. Compatibility Issues

  1. Assorted Specifics?
    1. Instance of - optical drive with power light on but tray will not eject.
      1. Rubber band may of broke.

  1. Customer’s PS2 mouse stopped working. You tried another, did not work. What is it?
    1. Port PS/2 is damaged or dead.
      1. Upgrade to USB or PS/2 to USB Converter.

Ten common causes of hardware problems…
  1. Something is broken. 02. The environment it is in.
     3.   Damaged by something.            04. Faulty hardware (Faulty ram?)
     5.   Incompatible parts 06. Dust (Dirty fans)
     7.   Unplugged (Power issue) 08. Loose external cables
     9.   CMOS Battery 10. Incorrect Drivers

Eight most common operation system problems…
  1. Incorrect BIOS settings 02. Device Drivers
     3.   Password Issue         04. Failed/Failed HDD
     5.   Viruses 06. Update/SP Issues
     7.   Corrupted Registry 08. Spyware/Malware
Six most common causes of network problems…
    1. Incorrect IP Address
    2. Wireless Router Config
    3. Network Connection Disabled
    4. Loose/Faulty Cable
    5. Other network settings incorrect
    6. Wireless Client Config

Printer problems...
  1. Paper Jam
  2. No Ink / Toner
  3. Out of Paper
  4. Power Issue
  5. Shared Printer PC is off
  6. Network Issue

Nine common causes of laptop issues…
  1. Battery not charged
  2. Keyboard issue
  3. Battery will not charge
  4. Loose Ram…?
  5. Num Lock Off
  6. FN Key disabled something
  7. Hinges
  8. Wifi off or disabled
  9. Loose cables
  10. Inverted

Seven common causes of security issues…
  1. Incorrect User/Pwd
  2. User Account Disabled
  3. Virus
  4. Firewall
  5. Wifi - AP Security - Bad Settings
  6. User does not have permissions
  7. Wifi client has incorrect settings

Six common causes of software issues…
  1. Virus / Malware 4. File Corrupt in DL/Install
  2. OS Not Dated 5. Addons not updated (java/flash/etc)
  3. Drivers ! 6. blah
Ten issues with fixes.
  1. PC too Slow:
    1. Verify the PC is the problem.
    2. msconfig - startup tab.
    3. HDD full or close to full
    4. Not Enough RAM
    5. Background Updates
  2. Downloads ‘take forever’
    1. Speedtest should give @ 50% of advertised speed
    2. Ping should be 100 ms or less
    3. Downloaded in background (Torrent)
    4. Contact ISP

   3. Printer won’t print…
  1. Power
  2. Cables
  3. Shared? or Network?
  4. Drivers
  5. Print Queue
  6. Print Options in control panel (Use Printer Offline)

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