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UPSC Complete Syllabus for Civil Service Examination 2016

UPSC Syllabus for Civil Service Examination 2016

UPSC Syllabus for Civil Service Examination 2016
In this article, We are explaining about the Syllabus of UPSC and Examination pattern for UPSC. So then you will get the knowledge of UPSC Syllabus for Civil Services Preliminary Examination and Main Examinations. Read full information for UPSC Syllabus for CSE.
UPSC Preliminary Exam Syllabus :
1.In this Examination, there are 2 papers, which are called as General Studies Paper-I and General Studies Paper-II.
2. These 2 papers are objective in nature with all multiple choice type questions.
3. Each paper is for 200 marks and will be available in two languages of Hindi and English.
4. Selection Committee will give two hours time duration for each paper. In exceptional cases, aspirants will get extra time of 20 minutes in each paper.
5. Minimum qualifying marks for UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Examination General Studies Paper-II is 33%.
UPSC Preliminary Examination Paper – I Syllabus :
In UPSC Preliminary Examination Paper - I, questions will be asked from the topics of Current Affairs of national and international events, topics from General Science, Environmental Ecology, General questions on the topic of climate change, Biodiversity, History of India, Physical Geography of India, Social Geography of India, Economic Geography of India, Public Policy, Panchayati Raj, Constitution, Public Policy, Poverty, Demographics, Social sector etc.

UPSC Preliminary Examination Paper – II Syllabus :
In UPSC Preliminary Examination Paper - II, questions will be asked from the topics of General Mental ability, Problem solving and Decision making, Comprehension, Numeracy, Data interpretation i.e. questions from graphs, charts, data sufficiency, tables etc (Tenth class standard level), logical reasoning, analytical ability, interpersonal skills.

UPSC Main Examination Syllabus
Department will consider your rank based on UPSC Main Examination and Personality test (Interview). Total marks allocated for UPSC Main Examination is 1750 and for Personality test (Interview) is 275 marks. This UPSC Main Examination comprise of nine papers. Department will consider only seven papers for final ranking. This UPSC Main Examination is totally written exam. It consists the papers given below.

A)  Paper A - Total marks allocated for this paper is 300. In this, candidate will select any one Indian language.

B) Paper B - Total marks allocated for this paper also 300. Language is English.
Important Points :
  1. Paper A is in Indian languages and Paper B is in English language respectively. Questions will be in matriculation level.
  2. Candidates must appear in both UPSC Preliminary Examination Paper - I and UPSC Preliminary Examination Paper - II otherwise, candidates will be disqualified.
  Syllabus for Interview :
  1. Aspirants who will be passed in UPSC Main examination only appear for Personality test (Interview).
  2. Department board members will ask topics on general matters.
  3. It is better to browse internet to get tips for Personality test (Interview) round.
  4. Answer the questions in the interview round with confident.
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