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[Tips] How to use SmartAssembly for obfuscation dotnet source code

When you write a projects using dot net framework, that easy and take less time to create your app fit with your request. But the problem is the exe build by dot net framework is not secure. So many people can crack and use it....

One of the reason is protect your source code. That is encrypt it. The market have many tools support about it! This is one is SmartAssembly!
You can download use trial or buy from here: 
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"SmartAssembly is an obfuscator that helps protect your application against reverse-engineering or modification, by making it difficult for a third-party to access your source code.

If your entire business rests on the IP embodied in your software or you don't want your C# or VB.NET code exposed internationally, then obfuscating your code becomes a necessity, not a luxury.

With SmartAssembly, you get a comprehensive set of obfuscation features, including name mangling, control flow obfuscation, strings encoding, reference dynamic proxy, and declarative obfuscation."

View the tutorial from here


Some time if your projects integrated with C++ Source code! you shouldn't check Purning mode, because this mode is purning your function, function name, function title, function description..... So that will be make C# app (dot net) cannot comunication with C++ dll.

How to use SmartAssembly for encrypt your Dot Net Source Code
How to use SmartAssembly for encrypt your Dot Net Source Code
How to use SmartAssembly for encrypt your Dot Net Source Code
How to use SmartAssembly for encrypt your Dot Net Source Code

How to use SmartAssembly for encrypt your Dot Net Source Code

That's my choose mode!

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Zidane (Learn Tech Tips Founder)

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