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    Important ‪One Word Substitutions‬

    #everydayquiz #imp
    Important ‪#‎One_Word_Substitutions‬
    1. One who is out to subvert a government: Anarchist
    2. One who is recovering from illness: Convalescent
    3. One who is all powerful: Omnipotent
    4. One who is present everywhere: Omnipresent

    5. One who knows everything: Omniscient
    6. One who is easily deceived: Gullible
    7. One who does not make mistakes: Infallible
    8. One who can do anything for money: Mercenary
    9. One who has no money: Pauper
    10. One who changes sides: Turncoat
    11. One who works for free: Volunteer
    12. One who loves books: Bibliophile
    13. One who can speak two languages: Bilingual
    14. One who loves mankind: Philanthropist
    15. One who hates mankind: Misanthrope
    16. One who looks on the bright side of things: Optimist
    17. One who looks on the dark side of things: Pessimist
    18. One who doubts the existence of god: Agnostic
    19. One who pretends to be what he is not: Hypocrite
    20. One incapable of being tired: Indefatigable
    21. One who helps others Good: Samaritan
    22. One who copies from other: writers Plagiarist
    23. One who hates women: Misogynist
    24. One who knows many languages: Polyglot
    25. One who is fond of sensuous pleasures: Epicure
    26. One who thinks only of himself: Egoist
    27. One who thinks only of welfare of women: Feminist.
    28. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain: Stoic
    29. One who is quite like a woman: Effeminate
    30. One who has strange habits: Eccentric
    31. One who speaks less: Reticent
    32. One who goes on foot: Pedestrian
    33. One who believes in fate: Fatalist
    34. One who dies without a Will: Intestate
    35. One who always thinks himself to be ill: Valetudinarian
    36. A Government by the people: Democracy
    37. A Government by a king or queen: Monarchy
    38. A Government by the officials: Bureaucracy
    39. A Government by the rich: Plutocracy
    40. A Government by the few: Oligarchy
    41. A Government by the Nobles: Aristocracy
    42. A Government by one: Autocracy
    43. Rule by the mob: Mobocracy
    44. That through which light can pass: Transparent
    45. That through which light cannot pass: Opaque
    46. That through which light can partly pass: Translucent
    47. A sentence whose meaning is unclear: Ambiguous
    48. A place where orphans live: Orphanage
    49. That which cannot be described: Indescribable
    50. That which cannot be imitated: Inimitable
    51. That which cannot be avoided: Inevitable
    52. A position for which no salary is paid: Honorary
    53. That which cannot be defended: Indefensible
    54. Practice of having several wives: Polygamy
    55. Practice of having several husbands: Polyandry
    56. Practice of having one wife or husband: Monogamy
    57. Practice of having two wives or husbands: Bigamy
    58. That which is not likely to happen: Improbable
    59. People living at the same time: Contemporaries
    60. A book published after the death of its author:
    61. A book written by an unknown author: Anonymous
    62. A life history written by oneself: Autobiography
    63. A life history written by somebody else: Biography
    64. People who work together: Colleagues
    65. One who eats too much: Glutton
    66. That which cannot be satisfied: Insatiable
    67. One who questions everything: Cynic
    68. A flesh eating animal: Carnivorous
    69. A grass eating animal: Herbivorous
    70. One who lives in a foreign country: Immigrant
    71. To transfer one's authority to another: Delegate
    72. One who is a newcomer: Neophyte
    73. That which is lawful: Legal
    74. That which is against law: Illegal
    75. One who is unmarried: Celibate
    76. A game in which no one wins: Draw
    77. A study of man: Anthropology
    78. A study of races: Ethnology
    79. A study of the body: Physiology
    80. A study of animals: Zoology
    81. A study of birds: Ornithology
    82. A study of ancient things: Archaeology
    83. A study of derivation of words: Etymology
    84. Murder of a human being: Homicide
    85. Murder of a father: Patricide
    86. Murder of a mother: Matricide
    87. Murder of an brother: Fratricide
    88. Murder of an infant: Infanticide
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