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    What is HTTP?

    Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
    What is HTTP? Learnbloggingeasy Tutorials On Computer Networks
    HTTP ?
    • Hyper text transfer protocol is a web transfer protocol in which set of requests from browsers are taken to servers and vice-versa. 
    • Mainly its an medium to communicate between your web browser and servers.
    • There are 2 kind of requests in http : 
    • Full request : In full request we get the protocol version and information like headers. Headers are nothing but they give additional information between client and servers.
    • Simple request : Simple request is wherein we just get the raw page of the website. Here we will not get the information like protocol version, no headers and no encoding. 
    • HTTP uses services of TCP protocol.
    Figures images for What is HTTP? How it works?
    HTTP : Pic to explain http working 
    • GET : The method is used when a client (user) wants to access a website or a web property. The server responds with piece of information which user wants.
    • HEAD : This is when user wants the information about the document, but the document itself.
    • POST : This method is when client inputs to web servers. Client provides imformation to web servers.
    • PUT : Put is a method where client replaces a document or adds a new document on web servers.
    • COPY : Users can copy the file to different locations.
    • MOVE : It moves a file from one location to another. 
    • LINK : Useful to link two documents together.
    • UNLINK : Deletes the link established between two different documents.
    • DELETE : It removes the document or information from the server.
    • OPTION : Client is provided with available options on server.
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